Application Process
Stage I: Application Submission
The application for admission to the JNEC-EIC is to be made to the Incubation Manager in the form of an Application Questionnaire (attached application form in Annexure II).
Stage II: Initial evaluation and Proposal Submission
The application shall be scrutinized at an appropriate level and if found suitable the applicants shall be asked to submit a formal application with a detailed proposal comprising of the following:
- Business Plan/Executive Summary
- Schedule of plan i.e., entry to the JNEC-EIC and projected duration of incubation.
- Intellectual Property Declaration Worksheet (attached in Annexure IV).
- Application of research fund from JNEC-EIC (if applicable).
- Details of infrastructure requirements: office space (in sq. ft.), number of computers (max. Nos), internet connectivity, telephone, and any special laboratory facility
- R&D support is needed from JNEC-EIC.
- Justification for choosing the JNEC-EIC for incubation.
Stage III: Final Evaluation and Approval
The Business Plan shall be scrutinized by a team of experts having relevant technical and financial expertise. Once satisfied the company/firm/incubatee will be asked to give a presentation highlighting the critical aspects of the business plan before an Evaluation Committee comprising representatives from the team of experts and two members of the adversary board members nominated by the President of the College Management. The evaluation committee's recommendation along with the clarification by an incubatee duly endorsed by the chairperson of the Evaluation Committee would be sent to the members of the College Management Committee for their recommendation and approval.